Teenage rhinoplasty is a special and sometimes sensitive topic. As a father, Dr. Zhuravsky has a very strong sense of appreciation and responsibility to parents that entrust him with their childrens’ noses, thus he believes it deserves its own separate page. While all the information on our main rhinoplasty page holds true for teenagers (that are old enough for rhinoplasty), there are some unique topics that should be addressed. We highly encourage parents and teens to read both pages, as this knowledge can help avoid problems, regrets, and the need for revision surgery.
Rhinoplasty is the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery for teenagers as it addresses a very common and prominent insecurity that begins to arise at this critical time of development. Since the nose starts to grow into its adult shape during the teen years, most patients seeking rhinoplasty, even older adults, recall wanting a rhinoplasty since their early teenage years. In fact, this is one of the very few cosmetic surgeries that have become socially accepted for teens to have. There are several reasons for this, but it mainly comes down to the fact that the nose is central to facial aesthetics and can have a dramatic effect on one’s appearance. Certain characteristics can even lead to significant levels of social anxiety and distress.
As a Facial Plastic Surgeon with specific expertise in rhinoplasty, Dr. Zhuravsky has a great deal of experience in both primary and revision rhinoplasty surgery, with teens making up a large portion of the patient population. Our Miami based office not only treats patients from all over South Florida, but we also see a great deal of patients traveling from other States and Countries as well. This presents Dr. Zhuravsky with a wide variety of noses, from different ethnicities, cultures, and age groups.
Peruse Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky’s patient photo gallery to view his work and artistry on facial procedures like Teenage Rhinoplasty, Facelift, and more.
Rhinoplasty is usually acceptable after 15 or 16 years old, for females and males, respectively.
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In most cases we use 15 or 16 years old as a cut-off for rhinoplasty, but there are some other factors to consider. Girls typically develop faster and may hedge closer to 15 years old, while the cut off for boys is closer to 16 years old. The individual patient’s growth should be taken into consideration. If a teen is of acceptable age for a rhinoplasty, but they are still rapidly growing and changing shoe size frequently, it may be better to wait until they plateau.
If rhinoplasty is performed too young, the nose may continue to change and develop after the surgery, leading to potential problems.
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The nose continues to grow and develop until around the ages of 15 and 16, in girls and boys respectively. If we operate on the nose before it is fully developed the normal growth can be disrupted. Additionally, if we perform a Rhinoplasty on someone that is too young, their nose may continue to grow and change shape, altering the surgical results. Therefore, we wait until the nose is near completely developed so that we can achieve predictable and long lasting results, without negatively affecting the developing face.
Teenage rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that alters the shape and appearance of a teenager’s nose so that it will satisfy their desired appearance, fit their face naturally, and age appropriately.
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There is no gimmick or trick, teenage rhinoplasty is a nose-job, and performed the same way as a rhinoplasty for other age groups. However, when it comes to teens, we have to take a few special considerations into account, especially when it comes to preoperative planning and reasoning for surgery.
A very common response that Dr. Zhuravsky hears when he asks revision rhinoplasty patients about their first surgery is something along the lines of “I was just a teen, I didn’t know and just wanted a smaller nose so I rushed into it”. To be fair, these kinds of words are spoken even by patients that had surgery as adults, but teens seem to be more susceptible to rushing into what they think is “just a nose job”.
While the nose is completely or nearly fully developed around the late teens, the facial structures continue to develop and mature, subtly but significantly. We have to take these changes into account and look to create a nose that will continue to fit the patient’s face. This means avoiding unnatural features that might pass on a teen’s face, but look “fake” on that of an adult. For example, a very small, swooped nose may not look overly fake on the face of a teen with petite, round, and soft features. However, as those features mature, this type of nose would draw negative attention as it would no longer be disguised by the overall aesthetic. Additionally, noses that are so excessively fake in appearance are also likely to age poorly. They are typically the result of quick reductive nose surgery that does not value longevity or good structural support. These issues may not be obvious under the soft youthful skin of a teen or young adult, but they become more evident years down the line.
The other issue to consider is the reason for a teenage rhinoplasty. The obvious reasons for teens to want a rhinoplasty is to reduce distress from unwanted features and boost self-esteem by enhancing their appearance, but it is important to make sure there are no other psychological issues that the teen is trying to solve by having cosmetic surgery. With the multitude of social and emotional problems that can arise during the teenage years, it is important to set realistic goals and expectations as to what the surgery will accomplish for them on an emotional level. If there is any doubt, speaking with a mental health professional can be helpful in determining the teens true intentions.
A rhinoplasty can have a powerful impact on a teen’s confidence and self-esteem by eliminating specific features that they find distressing, and/or changing the aesthetics of the nose in order to enhance their overall appearance. These two reasons are similar with some overlap, but they also have their distinctions.
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The main reason that teens seek to have rhinoplasty is the same as other age groups; to improve their appearance. But the question really becomes, what makes surgery worth it for them at an early age.
The first reason that we mentioned above is a nose with features that they find distressing. This refers to noses with more extreme characteristics that are very noticeable and obvious, such as a very large or crooked nose. The nose may become a defining focal point of their face in a negative way, and can even prompt others to make comments or jokes. This can be distressing for any person, but can be even more dramatic during the difficult transitional years of teen-hood. It’s a slippery slope to use the term “deformity” when it comes to these issues, but it’s hard to deny that it can disturb one’s confidence and potentially lead to distress. A similar situation arises with protruding ears, which are considered acceptable to treat as early as 5-6 years old before kids reach the typical school age when bullying comments begin. Unfortunately, with the nose we cannot address the issue before the comments or insecurities begin, but we can treat it when it still makes a difference.
The other reason is to simply enhance aesthetics. These are cases where the nose might NOT have excessively obvious and distressing features, but patients are still not happy with how their nose looks. It usually comes down to similar characteristics as those above, but on a more subtle scale; a small hump, increased tip fullness, increased width, poor rotation, etc … These types of issues can disrupt the overall harmony of the face, and as a result have a negative impact on aesthetics. In plain terms, they want to change their nose to be more attractive. When stated this way, it can sound “shallow”, but rhinoplasty really can have a significant effect on aesthetics and make patient’s feel happier about their appearance. Each case has to be evaluated on an individual basis, determining if the requested changes are reasonable, will truly make the patient happy, and will be worth accomplishing with surgery.
Rhinoplasty can have a very positive impact on overall appearance, which may lead to improved self-esteem and confidence.
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The benefits of rhinoplasty are more clear when we first understand why somebody wants a rhinoplasty in the first place. As mentioned in the section above on “why teens seek to have rhinoplasty”, the simple reason that anyone wants to have a rhinoplasty is to improve their physical appearance. However, this can mean different things to different people. For some, it may be that they won’t hear jokes about their “big nose” anymore. For others, it may mean that they will be happier with their own appearance, and / or will gain a greater sense of confidence.
So the direct benefit of a good rhinoplasty is an enhancement in facial harmony and aesthetics. Improved self-esteem, greater confidence, and less social anxiety (regarding their appearance) are secondary benefits that we typically see as long as the reasoning and expectations were appropriate.
In order to understand the actual changes and physical benefits of a rhinoplasty, it is important to use computer simulated images. Each nose is unique and requires an individualized approach. The amount of change to the shape and size of each area will vary depending on the patient’s desires, facial proportions, height, existing structure, and relative proportions of all areas of the nose to each other. It is hard to describe these changes in words and to understand how they all fit together on the person’s face. Therefore, computer images are extremely valuable in their ability to SHOW these potential benefits in picture form.
While the process leading up to rhinoplasty may have some extra considerations, the surgery itself is performed the same way as adult rhinoplasty.
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The traditional approach to rhinoplasty is under general anesthesia, however Dr. Z has also become very popular for the awake rhinoplasty, which he performs on teens very frequently. In fact, many parents prefer this route to avoid subjecting their children to anesthesia as that is usually one of the major fears of surgery. Our video on awake rhinoplasty as well as the main page have more details on this.
It’s hard to give a step by step of how the rhinoplasty itself is performed because each case is like a unique puzzle (at least with a good quality rhinoplasty). Regardless of the approach, we focus on changing the shape, size, orientation, location, and support of the nasal bones and cartilages in order to achieve the desired appearance. There are numerous maneuvers that we use during this process, sometimes even changing how we perform each one in order to obtain the best results possible. It is a cross between surgery, engineering, and art.
Please refer to our dedicated rhinoplasty page for more information on what will occur during a rhinoplasty at our Miami based office.
Teenage patients who are in generally good health with achievable and realistic expectations and a consenting guardian’s approval.
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Teenage rhinoplasty is an elective cosmetic surgery, but it is imperative to consider the body and facial structure changes that will occur over time. The sections above on reasoning for rhinoplasty and its benefits are very important to review when considering candidacy. Good candidates for teenage rhinoplasty in Miami should meet the following criteria:
The best way to determine candidacy is to discuss your desired outcome with a qualified plastic surgeon and review the potential outcomes with computer morphed images.
As someone who performs many revision rhinoplasty surgeries, Dr. Z has noted that there are several themes to the mistakes that many patients make when choosing to have rhinoplasty, and teens seem to be more prone to them.
Rushing into any decision is typically not a great idea, especially one that involves a complex surgery of the face. Patients may get very excited and want to do the surgery as soon as possible, so they choose one of the first surgeons that they find. Teens usually spend several years waiting to be old enough for the surgery, so as soon as they hit an appropriate age, they push to have it done quickly. Sometimes they simply choose the same surgeon that did a few other friends, without ever evaluating the surgeon for themselves or if those results were generic in nature. This is discussed more in the next section, but patients sometimes fail to see certain issues with rhinoplasty results that become bigger problems over time.
Do NOT rush the decision. Some of our teen rhinoplasty patients have reported that they spent a few years before they were of age looking up and following surgeons.
Most patients think of rhinoplasty and all they imagine is simply reducing the hump, rotating the tip, and/or making the nose smaller. Those are fair asks, but it’s also important as to how all those things can be accomplished while maintaining good proportions of each of those areas relative to each other, and relative to the rest of the face. It’s not always about just making these features smaller, but also about changing their shape in the correct ways. Additionally, there are other important features and areas that need to be modified in order to make sure the desired changes are made to the right degree and proportions. This concept can be difficult to describe but is better portrayed in our videos about finding the right shape during computer morphed imaging.
If you only focus on the fact that the “bump is gone” or the “nose is more rotated” you will miss the mark on what is really required to create a natural and beautiful nose. One thing we hear from our patients is that their primary surgeon simply agreed to perform the requested changes, and that was the extent of the consultation. It is the surgeon’s job to listen, then advise on how those changes can be applied to your nose specifically to give the best results possible. They may suggest a few different options while morphing the images to demonstrate them with images, thus reaching a final product that is the result of a collaboration between the surgeon and the patient.
Another common mistake that many patients report making is choosing their breast or septoplasty surgeon to do their Rhinoplasty. So in essence, they are not choosing a Rhinoplasty surgeon in the way that one normally would; looking up results/ reviews specific for rhinoplasty, going to consults, then choosing the surgeon who is best suited to perform their rhinoplasty. Instead, they are choosing a surgeon for a different reason and adding on rhinoplasty to the plan. Rhinoplasty is a very complex surgery that requires a high level of expertise specifically in Rhinoplasty. Do not choose your surgeon out of simple convenience. Also, if you are considering rhinoplasty, do not do a septoplasty first as this will remove valuable cartilage and complicate the rhinoplasty. If you choose a quality rhinoplasty surgeon, they should be able to address the septal issues during the surgery.
So the lesson from these patients is to choose a rhinoplasty surgeon for your rhinoplasty. Don’t let just any plastic surgeon or ENT touch your nose, unless you have thoroughly evaluated them for their ability to give you the best results possible.
Teenage rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, so you will be able to return home or to your hotel after you are released from our care. The recovery is typically less dramatic than most people imagine, lasting approximately seven days and varying amongst patients in terms of pain, swelling, bruising, and bleeding. A vast majority of patients are on regular Tylenol the very next day. Swelling and bruising typically begin to improve on day three, with socially acceptable levels by day seven. Bleeding is usually minimal and lasts just one day. Those visiting us from distant locations outside of South Florida do not mind being seen around their hotels and out in public as early as day 3, thus being able to see some of the beautiful sights that Miami has to offer. However, the beach should be avoided during the recovery.
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After surgery, the numbing begins to wear off, and a pressure-type pain sets in. Patients are given a single dose of a light painkiller and advised to stay ahead of the pain by taking a single dose every four to six hours until bedtime. Ice / Cold compresses are essential during this time period and can significantly decrease the need for pain medication. Dr. Z may change these instructions depending on the patient and their level of pain, as those who experience less pain might be instructed to change to regular Tylenol and those with more pain to take two pills. Almost all patients switch to Tylenol by the next day. DO NOT take Tylenol and prescription pain medications at the same time, as they both contain acetaminophen, which can lead to an overdose. All other pain medications are to be AVOIDED unless cleared by Dr. Z.
The amount of swelling and bruising varies. Swelling typically increases during the first 24-48 hours, with the most amount typically noted the morning after surgery. In some cases, patients may even experience swelling of the upper eyelids. The swelling will begin to subside on the third day after surgery, reaching socially acceptable levels by the seventh day.
You can expect some bleeding to occur the first day after surgery, but you will wear a small piece of gauze (called a mustache dressing) under your nose to catch the bleeding. This is typically changed out for a fresh piece of gauze, depending on the quantity of bleeding. While most bleeding subsides by the next day, patients often have a mild runny nose and may use the mustache dressing to avoid constant wiping.
Dr. Z typically calls his patients on the evening of the surgery to ensure they are doing well. Most report minimal pain and bleeding. Still, some patients may experience pain that requires additional pain medication, and others may experience nausea, which is more likely with general anesthesia but also possible with local awake cases.
Patients are strongly encouraged to continue ice as instructed during the first 48 hours to help reduce swelling, pain, and bleeding.
The cost of a teenage rhinoplasty in Miami will vary widely. It can range between $4,000 and $25,000 in the US, with some outliers exceeding those amounts. To get the most accurate and current pricing, please contact our office.
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It is understandable that cost can be an important factor, as it is with many other luxury items. Everybody wants to get the best deal possible when shopping around, but surgery is different than getting an item like a car or a bag. It is VERY IMPORTANT not to choose your teenage rhinoplasty surgeons based solely on price as it can result in problems that will require more costly revisions in the future. If financial constraints limit you to surgeons you do not feel comfortable with, it is much better to wait, keep looking, and save until you are confident that the surgeon is right for you.
As the economy, demand, and world change, so does pricing, usually increasing with time. Thus, we do not disclose our pricing directly online to avoid false promises or confusion, but we will be happy to discuss it with you if you call us. We proudly maintain our price at a very competitive rate for our high level of care and expertise of our practice, keeping us near the middle of that range. After your initial consultation, we can provide you with a better understanding of the total cost.
You must feel comfortable with his expertise and personality when looking for a Miami rhinoplasty surgeon. Dr. Z is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, meaning he’s an expert in facial aesthetics. Furthermore, he is an expert in Rhinoplasty, which is his most popular procedure. Dr. Z is passionate about his craft and believes extended training and learning are life-long responsibilities. He prides himself on offering his patients effective and up-to-date procedures that are most appropriate for their specific needs. Dr. Z is an active member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS).
If you’d like to book a consultation with Dr. Z for teenage rhinoplasty surgery in Miami, please call our office today or use our online form. Our practice is ideally situated in Aventura, just several minutes from the Aventura Mall. We see patients from many different states, with local patients coming from all over southern Florida, including but not limited to Fort Lauderdale, Sunny Isles, Aventura, Miami, Westin, Plantation, Boca, Palm Beach, and Jupiter.
Dr. Z prefers to meet and examine his patients in person but understands that it is not always possible for those located great distances away. Virtual consultations can be arranged for out-of-state patients and those over two hours away.