At our practice in Miami, Liquid Rhinoplasty is one of our top favorite non-surgical procedures and a specialty of Dr. Zhuravsky. The nose is the centerpiece of the face and so it is a point of focus or insecurity for many people. While a quality surgical rhinoplasty can yield great results, some patients prefer to address these concerns without surgery or downtime. Liquid Rhinoplasty, aka non-surgical rhinoplasty, is a quick in-office procedure that can deliver some wonderful aesthetic results for those that want to avoid surgery or are unsure if they want a permanent change.
*If you feel like a non-surgical rhinoplasty in Miami is a good option for you, the information below should provide you with an understanding of this highly satisfying procedure.
Peruse Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky’s patient photo gallery to view his work and artistry on facial procedures like Rhinoplasty, Facelift, and more.
This is also often referred to as a “Non-surgical Rhinoplasty”, “Liquid Nose Job”, or “NonSurgical nose job. It involves using filler to change the shape of the nose.
The DETAILED answer:
Liquid rhinoplasty is a way to change the shape and appearance of the nose by injecting filler into very specific areas. This allows us to augment a variety of nasal characteristics such as the dorsal hump, a drooped or widened tip, a crooked nose, and several other issues that may be of concern. The type of filler used can vary, but in most cases should be one of the firm hyaluronic acid gels in order to create more distinct contours and decrease the chance of spreading. The actual procedure itself is similar to sculpting, except we are only given the ability to add and not subtract. This can be a tricky process and requires an in-depth understanding of nasal aesthetics, anatomy, injection techniques, and the aesthetics concepts that govern the appearance of the nose.
In some cases, we are even making the nose appear smaller, while in actuality making it physically bigger.
We use several aesthetic concepts when performing a non-surgical rhinoplasty. The simplest is that when one area is larger, it makes the adjacent area appear small. For example, injecting above and below the “hump” will disguise it and create a straight profile. However, it is also important to mind the surrounding structures and not overfill above the hump, which will make the nose and forehead appear as one. The tip must then also be adjusted to fit the new profile, otherwise, it will appear to droop. In other cases, we can inject underneath the tip to give it more support and make it appear more rotated upward.
Another concept that we use is that light reflects from the points of greatest prominence. Thus injecting a defined area of the tip will reflect more light from this point and make the tip more defined. Similarly, injecting a line down the bridge of the nose can make it appear more narrow. These are similar to illusions that can be accomplished with makeup contouring.
It is difficult to explain all the ways that we can change the nose with a liquid rhinoplasty but we hope this helps explain the general concepts behind the procedure.
The SHORT answer:
Those with favorable anatomy that want a quick yet non-permanent change to the appearance of their nose are good candidates for getting a non-surgical rhinoplasty with Dr. Z in Miami.
The DETAILED answer:
If you read through the sections above, you can see that not everyone is a candidate for a liquid rhinoplasty. It is very difficult to describe the specific characteristics that would allow a person to know if they are a candidate for liquid rhinoplasty. If you want a true answer, it requires an evaluation by a well-experienced liquid rhinoplasty injector. Some things that you may be able to check for in order to get an idea are as follows:
If the area between the eyes (the area above the hump) is deep enough, you may be able to disguise the hump. If adding to this creates a straight line from the tip of the nose up to the mid-forehead, it may not be worth it. Alternatively, we can add a smaller amount to disguise the hump partially, thus improving but not fully correcting the hump but still maintaining good aesthetics.
If you want the tip more refined, we have to make sure that we can add filler to the tip without making it too long. If you want the nose more rotated, we can add to the tip and area under the nose. The best candidates are those lacking or recessed columella (area under the nose).
Again, these are just a few concepts to help give you a general idea. A consultation to evaluate the anatomy and discuss the achievable goals is really the best way to know for sure. Patients that are very far away from our office have even sent pictures prior to scheduling an appointment and in some cases, we have advised them against a liquid rhinoplasty based on these.
A liquid rhinoplasty in Miami offers a quick way to achieve aesthetic changes in the nose without the need for surgery or recovery.
The DETAILED answer:
The nose is a major aesthetic structure of the face and can have a strong influence on one’s overall appearance. Ideally, the nose acts as a centerpiece and is in harmony with the rest of the face. In cases where the nose has a fake look, is drooped, too wide, crooked, or has other features that attract extra attention, it can have a negative impact on one’s appearance. So the benefit of any type of rhinoplasty is obviously to change the appearance of the nose and achieve better overall aesthetic harmony.
When it comes to liquid rhinoplasty specifically, the major benefit is that the results are achieved instantly with a quick in-office procedure. Patients can simply schedule an appointment, come in for a consult, have their procedure on the spot, and walk out with a new nose. Of course, some patients may have a little bit of temporary redness or minimal swelling, but even then they can return to their daily activities. The other advantage is that the results are reversible. Although we have not had to dissolve the nose due to patients not liking their results, we have had many patients use this as a stepping stone. The advantage is the ability to “try it on” and see if you like the change in appearance. If you do not like it, the filler is dissolved with a few in-office injections. The filler will also dissolve on its own over the course of 1 – 2 years. We have seen many such patients enjoy their liquid rhinoplasty results and return to us for a permanent surgical rhinoplasty as their results begin to fade. Some have even returned as early as 6 weeks later to have the filler dissolved and proceed with surgery.
There are of course disadvantages to the non-surgical option. Although in some cases the results are very similar to those of surgical rhinoplasty, we are limited to what we can achieve with the non-surgical route. For example, a bump on the bridge can be hidden, however, we are limited by the constraints of the entire face. If the hump is very large, the tip is far forward, and the area between the eyes is shallow, we can not fill to completion as this will create other undesirable characteristics. A tip that is drooped may be lifted with filler, but in cases where the area underneath the nose is already hanging, or the tip is very projected, we should avoid making these areas even bigger. There are many such scenarios where a liquid rhinoplasty may either not be able to create the same extent of change, or may solve one issue and create another. This is why Dr. Zhuravsky has a very thorough consultation with each patient before performing this procedure. He will only perform this on those that stand to benefit from a liquid rhinoplasty and understand their specific limitations.
The other disadvantage is that the results are temporary. The filler dissolves over time and most patients will start to notice their results slowly fade, with most returning for a secondary injection in approximately 1 year. We do see that with subsequent injections the filler can last longer and some patients see results for well over a year even with the 1st injection, but in the end, it is still temporary.
Filler also has a unique potential risk when compared to surgery. Although it is excessively rare, and even more rare with good injection techniques, blindness, and stroke are possible.
The first step to getting a liquid rhinoplasty in Miami is to read through this information and gain an understanding of the procedure. The consultation is the next step and a very important one. As you can gather from the information above, the results can be great but they can also be limited. It is important for us to know that we can achieve a happy result for all of our patients before proceeding. If you feel that you are a good candidate, we can schedule the consultation and procedure together. If you feel you may not be a good candidate, but want a better idea, we can schedule a consultation, and depending on timing may be able to perform the procedure at the same time.
The nose is numbed with a topical cream and a small needle is used to inject filler into very specific areas and depths of the nose. The filler is added in small increments for safety and ideal results.
The DETAILED answer:
Dr. Zhuravsky first has a thorough consultation with each patient to understand their goals for the procedure. He then advises if those goals are realistically attainable and discusses his planned approach. Morphed images can also be used to demonstrate the expected results. If you are a good candidate and would like to proceed with the liquid rhinoplasty, a strong custom-made numbing cream is applied to the nose for approximately 30 minutes. Once the nose is numb, Dr. Zhuravsky uses a small needle to inject the filler in the desired locations. The filler is added in very small aliquots, slowly injecting to get the most precise results. Slow and small injections also add safety to the procedure. Most patients find this to be a very quick and relatively painless process, requiring less than 5 minutes.
As Dr. Zhuravsky injects the various areas, he continuously checks to make sure the desired aesthetic result is being achieved. The results are seen immediately after the procedure is done.
Results are apparent immediately after the procedure and patients resume their normal daily activities with only minor limitations like sunglasses and tight masks.
The DETAILED answer:
This is a quick in-office procedure that allows patients to return to their daily lives immediately after. Once the procedure is complete, the results are instantly visible and patients can enjoy their new noses. In some cases, there may be some redness or minor swelling at the injection sites, but even with this patients tend to be very happy. A little makeup on the nose should cover any of this potential redness/blush of the skin. Bruising is very rare. The areas injected may be tender but should not be painful or require any medication. We ask patients to avoid anything that might deform or move the filler for a few days, such as glasses that sit on the areas of injection or a tight mask. Dr. Zhuravsky makes sure to avoid overfilling and ending up with too much filler in the nose. In some cases, the filler may settle over the course of a week or two, especially in the area between the eyes. In these rare scenarios, it is very easy to quickly add a small amount of filler. Otherwise, the results should last approximately 9 – 15 months. This depends on how much filler was required, the locations, and the individual patient’s metabolism of the filler. Like in other areas, filler dissolves slowly and gradually so patients do not suddenly wake up to find all the changes gone. Even beyond 1 year when patients need to replenish their liquid rhinoplasty, we find that there is some residual filler present.
Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky is not only an expert injector but also an expert Rhinoplasty surgeon. Understanding the anatomy, aesthetics, and physical feel of the nose is very important for a safe and successful liquid rhinoplasty. Dr. Zhuravsky is able to use his knowledge of nasal aesthetics to determine what will make the nose look good and where to inject in order to achieve the desired result. Having a rhinoplasty surgeon’s feel for the nose is also important as the plane (layer) of injection is critical for safety and aesthetics. Every person has different anatomy and different skin thickness. You cannot simply put a needle to a predetermined depth and expect it to be in the correct plane, especially in the nose. Feeling for the correct layer with the needle, as well as holding, moving, and pinching the skin with the opposite hand are the skills required to perform this with safety and precision. Dr. Zhuravsky’s extensive experience with surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty has allowed him to consistently achieve excellent results throughout the years.
Liquid rhinoplasty costs more than other fillers for the face. Due to the complexity of nasal anatomy, aesthetics, and potential risks, non-surgical rhinoplasty should only be done by those with a very high level of proficiency in regard to the nose and injectables. This is very different from a “simple” cheek filler that if placed in the wrong spot creates a fake or heavy appearance. Factors like tough scar tissue or tight skin from a prior rhinoplasty can make it more challenging and may increase the price as well. All liquid rhinoplasties at Z Face Plastic Surgery are performed by Dr. Zhuravsky, who is an expert in Rhinoplasty. As with everything prices tend to change, often increasing with time. If you call our office we will be happy to discuss our current pricing and schedule a consultation.
Many of our Miami non-surgical rhinoplasty patients say that the treatment can feel life-changing, as it improves self-confidence. Located in Aventura, FL, we see patients from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and surrounding areas. If you have a question or want to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.